Sunday, April 19, 2020

Covid 19 - The Global Pandemic

The coronavirus epidemic COVID-19 is the most health-defining health problem of our time and the biggest challenge we have ever faced since World War II. Since it first appeared in Asia late last year, the virus has spread to every continent except Antarctica. Cases are increasing daily in African Americans, and Europe.

Countries are in a hurry to accelerate the spread of the virus by screening and treating patients, tracking social networking, reducing mobility, alienating citizens and canceling large gatherings such as sports events, concerts and schools.
The epidemic is moving like a wave - which can quickly crash on those who can handle it.

But COVID-19 is more than just a health problem. By emphasizing all the countries involved, it has the potential to create harmful social, economic and political risks that will leave deep scars.

We're in an uneducated problem. Many of our communities are now unknown. Hundreds of the largest cities are left in the world as people live in houses, either by choice or by government decree. Globally, shops, theaters, restaurants and bars are closing.

Every day, people lose their jobs and income, they have no way of knowing when normal things will return. The small island countries, which are heavily dependent on tourism, have empty hotels and beaches. The International Labor Organization estimates that up to 195 million jobs could be lost.

The UNDP response
Each country needs to act quickly to prepare, respond and recover. The Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres launched the global billion-dollar economic response program. Developing countries may lose at least $ US1 billion, and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development has requested $ 2 billion in funding.

Accessing our knowledge of other outbreaks such as Ebola, HIV, SARS, TB and malaria as well as our long history of working with the private and government sectors, the UNDP will help countries respond faster and more effectively to COVID-19 as part of its mission. eradicating poverty, reducing inequality and creating problems and shocks.

Why Lockdown is needed ?
Without treatment or an immunization, stopping most human contact is actually the best way to stop the spread of the infection. Basically, the less contact individuals have with one another, the less the infection can spread. Given the fast spread of the infection, social lockdown is dire to cut in general transmission down, and see in the case of testing followed by separation could be powerful – this is all trying to 'smooth the bend' or lessen contaminations and spread cases out over a more drawn out time period to abstain from overpowering wellbeing frameworks.

Since the new coronavirus can spread unnoticed so effectively, numerous legislatures have felt the most ideal approach to guarantee individuals have insignificant contact with one another is to arrange all out lockdowns, with individuals just being permitted to leave to get nourishment or medication, and to rehearse social removing when they do leave their homes. Nations that had scourges first, for example, China and South Korea, have cut cases down drastically through across the board testing and social separating.

The method of reasoning is to guarantee that individuals with genuine sickness can look for clinical consideration, and the individuals who are irresistible yet asymptomatic or have gentle ailment don't give it to any other individual.


Life under lockdown brings numerous difficulties, and there have been numerous occasions of individuals ridiculing exhortation on social separating or seclusion. Yet, the more individuals maintain it the more powerful it will be. Not many of the nations that have actualized full lockdown are focusing on a date when they will lift limitations, in any case, since they should perceive how the pandemic develops.

They are additionally standing by to see which of the numerous medications and immunizations that are being examined may prove to be fruitful. Until there is a feasible antibody, it is highly unlikely other than social limitation to stop the spread of the infection. Regardless of whether full lockdown is practical to keep up for a long time is far from being obviously true, and it is conceivable that a few nations may change among unbending and less inflexible measures for the remainder of the year.

Most nations are holding back to perceive how their lockdown and isolate measures are decreasing instances of the infection. China has recently lifted its lockdown in Wuhan, the city where the pandemic began, two months after unmistakably the quantity of cases had drastically diminished. It appears to be conceivable that once different nations begin to see such a decrease in cases, they also will start facilitating limitations, regardless of whether just incidentally.

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